• Conscious Container is a Refillable Glass Bottle Marketplace start-up, partnering with the beverage industries. We have proven our glass bottle collection pilots across Northern California and Northern Nevada. Our goal is to collectively reduce the environmental impact of a single-use glass bottle while lowering the overall cost and mitigating supply chain issues of that glass bottle through refilling and reuse.

  • We are looking for partners and sustainability warriors to join us. Sign our non-binding LOI and help us demonstrate demand for refillable glass.

  • Thanks! Visit our Consumer Page for ideas.

  • Conscious Container mindfully chose to be a Benefit Corporation because we feel business needs to be conducted differently than in the past. As a Benefit Corporation, we can make business decisions that are based on making a benefit to our community, for our environment, and for our employees. This blends beautifully with our ‘triple bottom line’ business focus on people, planet, and profit.

  • A Benefit Corporation is a new legal tool that creates a solid foundation for long term mission alignment and value creation. It protects its mission through capital raises and leadership changes, creates more flexibility when evaluating potential sale and liquidity options, and prepares businesses to lead a mission-driven life post-IPO.

    A Benefit Corporation is a traditional corporation with modified obligations committing it to higher standards of purpose, accountability, and transparency:

    1. Purpose: Benefit Corporations commit to creating public benefit and sustainable value in addition to generating profit. This sustainability is an integral part of their value proposition.

    2. Accountability: Benefit Corporations are committed to considering the company’s impact on society and the environment to create long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders.

    3. Transparency: Benefit Corporations are required to report, in most states annually and using a third-party standard, showing their progress towards achieving social and environmental impact to their shareholders and in most cases the wider public.

    Traditional corporations are expected to use profit maximization as the primary lens in decision making. Many now see this as a hurdle in creating long-term value for all stakeholders, including the shareholders themselves. Benefit Corporations reject this myopic model. They are required to consider all stakeholders in their decisions. This gives them the flexibility to create long term value for all stakeholders over the long term, and even through exit transactions such as IPOs and acquisitions.

  • The first phase of this business was our ‘Proof of Concept’ Glass Bottle Collection Pilots. We established physical locations at businesses and large workplaces in designated regions where conscious consumers could drop-off their craft beer bottles for reuse. These pilots enabled us to establish, and validate, craft beer bottle collection channels to support our next phase: standing up a regional Glass Bottle Washing facility for refillables. Our last pilot “Refill My Beer” was running in the north bay of San Francisco. Find information here.